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    Made In Japan 結果共19筆

  • Taiwan collects NT$392M for Japan earthquake relief

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) has received nearly 120,000 donations, amounting to over NT$392 million for the "Noto Peninsula disaster relief fund." Following a 7.6-magnitude earthquake on New Year’s Day 2024, the MOHW established a specialized account for aid and reconstruction efforts in Japan, which will accept donations until Friday. The Department of Social Assistance and Social Work, under the MOHW, has been accepting contributions since January 5. Donations can be made through convenience stores and bank transfers, and the collected funds will be handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for disaster relief. To ensure transparency and facilitate tax purposes, the MOHW has created a service website where donors can provide their relevant information after making a contribution.
    2024/01/16 14:57
  • MOFA counters Ko’s remarks on Taiwan’s diplomatic allies

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has expressed concern over comments made by Ko Wen-je, Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate, stating that they could potentially harm Taiwan’s diplomatic relationships and lead to misunderstandings. MOFA spokesperson Liu Yung-chien emphasized that there is no conflict between solidifying relations with allied countries and developing substantial relationships with non-allied nations. The foreign ministry’s approach is to contribute to both areas simultaneously, without prioritizing based on alliance status. Liu highlighted the vital support received from allies over the years, which has helped Taiwan participate in international organizations and advance its causes. He expressed gratitude for the moral courage and vocal support shown by these allies, and stated that any possible misunderstanding sparked by Ko’s remarks is not something the people of Taiwan wish to see. In a podcast interview, Ko remarked that the number of diplomatic allies had been misperceived, suggesting that Taiwan would still fare well even if the number went down to zero. Ko emphasized the importance of substantial relationships, citing Taiwan’s positive relationships with Japan and the U.S., despite the absence of formal diplomatic ties.
    2023/12/28 17:15
  • ’Orange Devils’ return to Taiwan for premiere concert

    The renowned Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School Band, also known as the "Orange Devils," has returned to Taiwan in December after gaining a fervent fan base. Known for their vibrant and smile-filled performance style, the band made a memorable mark during last year’s National Day celebrations. The ’Orange Devils’ have planned flash mob events and are scheduled to hold their premiere concert at the National Concert Hall in Taipei. The band expressed their happiness about visiting Taiwan and their anticipation of meeting with the Taiwanese audience again. The visit aims to fortify cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, as expressed by Huang Chun-chieh, the General Manager of a Taiwanese food brand. To enhance the band members’ experience in Taiwan, arrangements have been made for them to tour distinctive local scenic spots. Upon their arrival on the evening of December 9, the Kyoto Tachibana High School Band immediately showcased their signature enthusiasm and energy. The visit is expected to entertain their Taiwanese fans and continue strengthening the cultural bridges between the two nations.
    2023/12/12 13:09
  • ’Orange Devils’ land in Taiwan, echo love for island

    The Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School marching band, known as the "Orange Devils," arrived in Taiwan to a warm welcome at Taoyuan International Airport. Their visit is a testament to the strong ties between Taiwan and Japan, which were first sparked during their performance at the 2022 Taiwan National Day celebration. The band’s invitation this year, alongside Taipei First Girls High School, is an effort to further strengthen cultural bonds, as they are set to participate in the upcoming celebration of TGH’s 120th Anniversary. The visit has been made possible through corporate support, including an invitation from the Kaohsiung City Government for school exchanges and performances. Over the next five days, the Tachibana SHS band will showcase their talent at prestigious venues such as Kaohsiung’s Time Avenue, TAI Urban Resort, New Taipei’s Fuji Grand Hotel, Ximending, and the National Theater & Concert Hall.
    2023/12/11 19:58
  • Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki conducts quiet visit to Taiwan

    Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki made a low-profile visit to Taiwan from November 23 to 25, where he met with key figures including Su Jia-chyuan, the president of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association (TJRA), and Paul Hsu, the Chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China (ROCCOC). The focus of Tamaki’s trip was on meetings with economic and tourism-related groups from Okinawa, with no official engagements with Taiwanese government entities. During his visit, Tamaki expressed gratitude to Su for discussions aimed at fostering tourism and economic exchanges between Taiwan and Okinawa. The primary objective of Tamaki’s visit was to explore business cooperation, engaging with Japanese business representatives and Okinawan officials in discussions. Both parties anticipate swift progress toward further collaboration, and an invitation was extended for Tamaki to revisit Taiwan and for a Taiwanese group to enjoy Wagyu beef in Okinawa. The exchange concluded with the mutual presentation of local specialties as mementos of their meeting.
    2023/11/25 17:07
  • Japanese official invites President Tsai to give speech

    President Tsai Ing-wen has been invited by Hiroyasu Izumi, Chief Representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office, to deliver a speech in Japan. Tsai, Taiwan’s first female president, has garnered attention in Japan and is expected to receive a warm welcome. The invitation comes after Tsai awarded Izumi the "Order of Brilliant Star" for his contributions to Taiwan-Japan relations. During the award ceremony, Tsai emphasized the progress made by both nations over the past four years and highlighted their shared values of democracy and freedom. Izumi described Taiwan-Japan relations as inseparable, emphasizing Japan’s unwavering support for Taiwan.
    2023/10/30 17:49
  • Taiwan FDA considers lifting ban on Japanese strawberries

    The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering easing a ban on two types of pesticides — chlorfenapyr and flonicamid — used on strawberries imported from Japan, in response to a frequent request made by Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association.
    2023/05/04 17:46
  • 人口開倒車.競爭力新低 日本深陷「消失危機」

    2023/04/13 19:56
  • Kaohsiung mayor promotes Taiwan produce in fluent Japanese

    The mayor of Kaohsiung City, Chen Chi-mai, made an appearance at the opening of the highly anticipated FOODEX JAPAN 2023 event on Tuesday (March 7) to champion Taiwanese produce. 
    2023/03/10 18:58
  • 上班族的神級補給!日本原產青汁正流行

    現代人生活忙碌,頻繁加班、缺乏運動、飲食不規律已經成為常態,為了解決蔬菜不足及便秘問題,飲用青汁以使排便順暢,成為日本女性間最受歡迎的營養補給法。知名大廠ISDG推出最新款─極綠青汁,履約保證栽培,採用100%大麥嫩葉,幫助維持消化道機能,主打從原料開始完全made in JAPAN,絕對安心、安全的極綠青汁,要讓你窈窕一夏!
    2017/08/17 09:00
  • 「全日本製造」當號召 日時尚品牌走新創風

    不少人認為「日本製造」意味著品質保證,日本一名新創老闆山田敏夫,特別以「ALL MADE IN JAPAN」為號召,加上省去通路、產品從工廠直送到府的商業模式,從50萬日圓的資金起家,在短短五年內,就打造出日本目前最受注目的時尚品牌。
    2017/04/03 20:39
  • 陸企收購東芝家電 「日本製造」神話不再

    在鴻夏戀之後,日本電機大廠TOSHIBA東芝也宣布,要將旗下的8成的家電事業股權出售給大陸家電龍頭美的集團,附帶40年的品牌授權,還有5千多項家電技術專利,這幾個百年老字號相繼引入外資,也讓日本人擔心以後Made in Japan將不再是品質保證。
    2016/03/31 21:50
  • FOCUS/日本製造業徵才奇招 工廠硬漢拍寫真

    受到日圓貶值影響,日本大企業在海外工廠的生產成本增加,尤其是人力費用,因此現在許多工廠,包括電器還有汽車廠商,都要回到日本國內生產,重新讓品牌Made in Japan,同時增加產品價值還能避開風險,還替日本增加工作機會,但現在就算有工作可能還沒人要做,因為年輕人不愛從事耗費體力、形象不佳的製造業,為了吸引他們,關西大阪和名古屋推出了一項工廠帥哥的特別計畫,特別挑選出日本製造業第一線「長相出眾」的工人拍成寫真集,試圖把工廠打造成充滿型男帥哥的形象。
    2015/10/12 21:16
  • ​​【FOCUS新聞】日GDP去年Q4增長2.2% 激勵日股走揚

    ▲示意圖(圖:達志影像/美聯社) 日本公布去年10到12月國內生產毛額,增長0.6%,幅度些微,卻是去年4月消費稅增稅以來,首度正成長。儘管高端奢侈品買氣回籠,但消費力道仍不夠強勁,倒是以出口為導向的企業,受到日圓貶值影響,業績成長,部分產業甚至因為在日本生產,反而有利可圖,帶動企業回流現象,包括Canon、Panasonic和夏普等知名大廠,都有把部分生產線,遷回日本的計畫,要讓日本家電重新貼上Made in Japan
    2015/02/17 21:48
  • 甲州葡萄酒純日系血統 前進歐洲

    日本和食被選為「無形文化遺產」之後,「Made In Japan」的葡萄酒,也開始在國際間闖出知名度,尤其是甲州葡萄酒,透明清澈而且還帶點清新的柑橘味,讓許多歐洲人讚不絕口,日本道地的葡萄酒逐漸打開歐美市場。
    2014/05/20 11:32
  • 【FOCUS新聞】無人機日本也想做 千葉大學使命達

    全球搶攻無人機,現在日本即起直追歐美研發的另一項明證,就是千葉大學開發出Made in Japan 的無人機,全球最大網路零售商亞馬遜去年底宣布推出無人機快遞,網路下單30分鐘內送到商品,臉書以2000萬美金,相當6億多台幣收購無人飛機製造公司Ascenta,建立全球無線網路,Google買下臉書原先搶併購的太陽能無人飛機製造商:泰坦航太,日本自製的無人機,要挑戰的難度比商用高得多,畫面這一台無人機,除了備有攝影機、GPS之外,還能自動偵測輻射值,不須人工操作就能自己換電池,最快8月就能上路,它要去哪兒?日本核災第一線的核電廠,而且被賦予進入核電廠內偵測拍照的重責大任。
    2014/05/13 21:00
  • 日保養品新噱頭 鮪魚心臟提煉乳液

    之前日圓貶值,日系化妝品卻不降價,讓台灣消費者怨聲載道,這也是因為Made In Japan這塊金字招牌在東南亞市場相當吃得開,包括越南,泰國和馬來西亞的消費者,現在也願意多花錢買日系保養品,最近日本化妝品又推陳出新,跟肥料廠商合作,研發魚鱗膠原蛋白,甚至連黑鮪魚的心臟也能提煉成乳液。
    2013/06/27 22:03
  • 東京「晴空塔」 高難度建築工法揭密

    下月即將開幕的東京晴空塔,第2展望台「天空迴廊」,高達450公尺,要蓋出這樣一座全球最高的電波塔,其實並不簡單,從支撐高空玻璃的鐵架、防止外牆結冰的暖氣機到夜間照明,每個細節都藏著日本精密的工匠技術,這座東京晴空塔,就是貨真價實的「Made in Japan」建築代表。
    2012/04/18 22:30
  • 東瀛的飛翔之夢 日本也要造飛機

    目前中、大型的民航客機,不是法國空巴製造,就是美國的波音公司生產,日本最近也展現了他們進軍民航客機市場的企圖心,他們要專攻小型民航機的製造,日本一家公司,投入330億台幣的研發經費,要打造70到90人座的小客機,也許不久,「Made in Japan」的民航機,就要升空。
    2007/06/12 22:25
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